The club trip to Bear Town, Kite Lake and Stoney Pass was a huge success.  We wish members that did not come had been there.  We got a tiny bit of hail and sprinkles but 99% good weather.  The wild flowers were unbelievable.  There are no descriptive adjectives to describe God's wonderous views.  Spectacular, Magnificient, Awesome.... doesn't do them justice. Jerre Guthals, Club President,  was an excellent Trail Master. 

If anyone would like copies of certain photos I can order them at cost.  Just call me at 658-3053 or by email at 

Gerald Long, Phyllis Lee and Bob Garrett ready to start the ride.
Two beautiful girls from the Long Family and pretty mountain lady Cecelia Russell.
 View from stageing area......Wow !
All set ?  You bet !  Several others were a little late and caught up with us on the trail.
On the way to Stoney....
Bringing up the rear.... Great two seater ATV.
Kite Lake for lunch break.
Kite Lake miner's shack.
Kite Lake...a little relaxation before heading on up to Stoney.
View back from Kite heading for Stoney
Crossing the Rio Grande River. Great job !
 Our youngest rider, Sabrina Rodriquez, on her tiny ATV.  Great job sweetie, get those feet up high !
Magnificient View, what else can I say ?
 Oh geez, the trail boss Jerre Guthals, with a map.  That could be scarey !
Cecelia and Phyllis (sisters) trying out for Club poster girls.
 Wild Columbines at their finest.
My goodness, look at all the wildflowers. 
Nothing more beautiful than a mountain stream lined with wildflowers.  Breathtaking !
 Looks like a bunch of cotton balls at Stoney Pass.
A little snow left and more cotton balls at Stoney.
Ooops ! Not cotton balls, wool balls in the shape of sheep.  They are everywhere frolicking in the flowers.

Going back to Stageing area we spot a different kind of abode. 


And so ends Good Times with Good People.  Please Join us on the next one.